To provide quality education to all realms of the society, irrespective of their socio economic status, there by improving the quality of the life and build a strong nation.
The college information centre works through Monday to Saturday from 0900 hrs. to 1600 hrs. IST. You can get the details of the courses during these hours across the counter or through telephone.
NIHE offers UG/PG courses for students leading to a degree. We admit students from any institution no matter which university they were studying under. We also offer professional courses.
Improving the quality of life through education

Our teachers are dedicated and qualified and are committed to “Improving the quality of life through education”. We believe that a better student today will become a better human being tomorrow. A better human being is what it takes to build a better nation. This is our commitment to the society.
Our motto is “To Educate, To empower, To enlighten”.
News & Events
Film festivalRagaspandanam